Goings On

  • brainpanonline.com

    Today, I’m relaunching brainpanonline.com with its original branding. I started this website on September 23, 2004. Its mission was to serve as a personal thought dumpster for projects I was working on, random musings, or whatever else I felt compelled to share.

    That was over 20 years ago. Old enough that it still made sense to communicate that something was “online”.

    The original brainpan ran until sometime in 2019. Possibly before. I’m not sure. It had at least 10 good years, before being abandoned due to unforeseen bouts of me forgetting that it existed. At some point, the domain lapsed and I didn’t even notice.

    This weekend I decided to recapture the domain and restore the site to its original purpose – a hoarder’s warehouse for the output of my various creative endeavors. They will be released here as if into a wildlife preserve, where the animals and the world are each protected from the other.

  • Tradition

    Ahh, January, that magical time of year where I remember that I set up this website and make my traditonal quarter-assed attempt to maintain it.

  • Yeah

    I forgot to do this today. It was quite busy at work, I’m exhausted from getting up entirely too early to get that work started, and I spent a fair amount of the afternoon arguing with some malfunctioning equipment. The entire day seemed like some kind of elaborate Saw movie set piece, designed specifically to make me cranky. It succeeded.

  • Happy Birthday Abby and Alex

    Today we commemorate the birth of two of my very favorite people, my niece and nephew, Abby and Alex. They are twins, and are seven years old today. You are now wishing them a happy birthday by reading this sentence, because by the time you realized that a happy birthday message was passing through your brain, it was already too late. You can’t unread something. Jokes on you, suckers.

  • What Day Off?

    I forgot today was the Monday of a three day weekend and went into work anyway. That is all for today.

  • A Note From Yesterday

    I’m very busy today, so I’m writing this yesterday. I’m going to go watch my niece and nephew for a few hours, then get Krystal and I lunch, before going to see Scott Thompson in his show “Buddy Cole in King” over at City Winery. I’ve been a massive fan of both him and that character ever since I was a high school-aged terminal closet case, and he was portraying the only gay person on television in the early nineties who wasn’t meant to teach people about Aids.

    Given I’ll be otherwise occupied trying not to make eye contact with one of my heroes in a small comedy club, this seems like a good opportunity to test scheduling a post. Has this worked? I’m sure it has. I’ve been working with this software professionally for over a decade and can assure you that this post arrived on schedule. Still. Testing things that I know work is how I can be sure they are still working.

  • 2023 Christmas Season Review

    If you want to know why people start putting up their Christmas decorations in October, some of the answers are in this picture. I took this on a random day in early December. Here we see Luna sitting in one of her favorite sunny spots. In the background, unwrapped Christmas presents for our family are piled on our dining room table. It’s daytime, so the doorway garland isn’t lit. She and I are enjoying the calm and quiet typical of this part of the day.

    There is chaos on that table. Some of those presents were hard to find. Some were more expensive than we’d hoped. Some I feared were insufficient to the sentiment they were intended to communicate. Some of them suck and I know they suck and that’s just how it goes sometimes. The best ones aren’t even on that table.

    Let’s move closer to the foreground. These decorations take a long time to put up. Krystal considered every single detail of our display with the care and attentiveness you’d see from a curator at a niche museum. The person who arranges the exhibits at the Museum of Dollhouse Furniture isn’t in that business because they want to drive a Ferrari one day. The effort is the reward.

    The table itself is where our family Christmas dinner takes place. That meal starts being planned in mid-November at the latest. Many lesser meals were consumed while reviewing the components of that greater feast. No detail escaped consideration.

    We do all of this because we love the planning, love the people we’re planning for, and love the idea that joy is something you can cultivate. It’s not an immutable element of the universe that can only be located and then hoarded. Joy is a compound that can be mixed by hand. With Christmas joy, there are are more supplies.

    One of the great go-to messages in Christmas music involves wishing for “peace on earth”. The implication is complicated, as the idea seems to exist in a liminal space between something God is supposed to take care of, and something we’re supposed to generate ourselves. Krystal and I are atheists, so for us waiting on God is a lot like depending on Santa to fill that empty spot under the tree. In our house, if peace on earth is to be found, we’re going to need to make it ourselves. So we start early.

    Peace is a tricky concept to nail down. Sometimes peace is sitting in an empty room enjoying the simplicity of nothingness. That’s a 25-50Hz sort of peace. Low frequency peace. Nothing in, nothing out, everything is in balance. No one takes pictures of that kind of peace. There isn’t anything to photograph. Might as well leave the lens cap on.

    On the other end of the spectrum, imagine a picture of a doctor asleep in a darkened exam room in between busy emergency room shifts. That’s peace in the 40,000Hz range. This is the sort of peace that only intense and sustained effort can produce. The peace after a war. Eyes of storms. Empty apartments after a move. Hard peace sorely won. Loud, joyless peace, pitched too high to hear comfortably.

    In this picture, you see midrange peace in the 1000-2000Hz bandwidth. This is peace with great tone. A little grit, a little character, but not overloaded with chaos. That’s why our tree is up by Halloween. More peace and joy, please. We’ll take as much as we can lay our hands on. The more optimism and whimsy the better. More fun hats and cookies and having a good time simply because you’ve chosen to. We’re working hard and enjoying the atmosphere that work generates. I love these moments of peace in the joy factory. Actual Christmas is just the pageant at the end.

  • Back At It

    I’m back at my desk after a lovely holiday break. On one hand, this is great because I’m happy to be back and ready to take the new year head on. On the other, I’ve forgotten nearly everything I once knew about what was going on, so a lot of that clear-headed optimism will be expended remembering the details around what I do for a living.

    I slept badly. I was concerned about the risks associated with not sleeping well before retuning to work, which of course created a level of anxiety strong enough to ensure the very consequences I had intended to avoid. I love irony as much as the next guy, but it looses its charm when confronted at three-thirty in the morning through bleary, sleep-deprived eyes. I don’t think I’m alone here. The first day back from holiday vacation must be one of the least productive of the year. It’s like everyone is onboarding all over again.

  • 2024 Updates

    I did not die in 2023. Optimistic about keeping that streak going in 2024.

    In order to encourage that sort of behavior, I’ve committed to checking in everyday. It’s a proof of life sort of thing. By committing to daily posting, I’m accomplishing several things at once.

    • Giving myself unnecessary homework during a life already filled with actual life things.
    • Doing my part by contributing to the ever growing landfill of content litter. We can always be messier. Does society need more publicly available thoughts? We do not, but that’s never stopped us before. It’s important to grow our strategic take reserve. We must add to its size and density until our combined takes generate enough gravitational force to support the orbit of a small moon, where I and my family will live. I have deemed this the only way to be free of our takes once and for all.
    • Proving that I’ve survived another day. Or not survived, in which case I hope the last post is accidentally profound, and not just some deadline meeting filler about weather or my lunch or the quirkiness of that particular day of the week.
    • Creating an illusion of productivity for myself so that I can watch dumb TV at night and relax without feeling guilty.

    Will I make it a whole year without missing a day? Almost certainly not. But I just went an entire year without drinking, so who knows? No reason not to try, considering the stakes couldn’t be lower. Here goes nothing!

  • Let’s get a habit going

    I’ve built this site, thought out the goals and the logic of this whole thing, and have left myself no choice but to actually create something. This is deeply unfortunate. I’d prefer to do nothing at all. Doing nothing is fantastic. It comes highly recommended. I try doing nothing all the time, but I’m pretty bad at it.

    My understanding is that you just sit there, content, doing as much nothing as you can, gliding through the seconds like a cartoon hippie, vibing to the rhythm of your own, presumably very chill, drum. These drums are bongos. Bongo people can relax at an advanced level. It might be something biological, like being left-handed. Bongo people have a gift for relaxation. I envy this ability like I envy people who can play basketball. It looks fun, but I can’t even approach competence at it, despite my best efforts.

    No, I’m a snare drum, intense even at low volumes. It’s as much an immutable fact about me as my curly hair, or being gay, or being five feet eight inches tall. I wake up every day loaded with static electricity. It’s like someone sneaks into my brain while I’m sleeping and rubs a balloon on the walls. Potential energy is everywhere, and I have a hard time relaxing for the day until I’ve made it kinetic.

    This isn’t a low key brag. It’s not like I’m energized or inspired or even motivated. This isn’t cute or charming or really even anything to be particularly proud of. It’s more like wanting a cigarette. There is a gap that asks to be filled, and I can either fill it, or spend my time thinking about filling it. Doing nothing has to wait until after. I am driven to be creative. I’d prefer not to be, but I was creative for a few weeks in highschool and got addicted to it, so it is what it is. 30 years later, and I’m still a pack-a-day creative person.

    That brings me to this website. This exists for the singular purpose of providing an outlet for that energy, so I can get back to watching TV and surfing my phone in something resembling contentment. This isn’t an artistic endeavor so much as an ashtray. Spent creativity has to go somewhere, and I picked this.